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How to Plan Effectively and Make Smart Investment Goals

How to Plan Effectively and Make Smart Investment Goals

Financial growth and success aren't easy to come by unless one plans for them correctly. Investing is one of the best ways one can achieve economic growth today. But it is not only about investing your money and getting good returns; it includes how you make plans and even execute them.

Your plans give you a lot of insight into what to expect at the end. Thus, it would be best if you put more effort and time into planning your investments to ensure you get the desired returns from them. One of the essential steps of investing is setting smart investment goals.

However, the most crucial task is often the most daunting for investors. That's why this article will delve into setting smart investment goals. By the end, you should be able to create smart investment goals that will help you reach where you'd like to get financially.

Here’s what you need to know about setting smart investment goals.

Why Is Setting Investing Goals So Important?

The first step is knowing why setting investment goals is essential. This will help you decide whether it is a priority for you or not. Here are the reasons to set investment goals;

  • Avoid Drifting From the Primary Cause

Setting investment goals is vital because it helps you stay on track. It is easy to drift and lose sight of your dreams if you do not focus on the plan. Start by setting an overall goal that you'd like to achieve in the end. Then, have short-term goals that will propel you to the overall goal.

In short, goals ensure you do not lose your focus while investing. For instance, having short-term investment savings goals can help you develop financial discipline. It will, in the end, make it easier for you to build a sustainable investment that will help you grow financially.

  • Reduce Chances of Failure

As an investor, failure is one factor you should not overlook. Before committing your money, ask yourself what failure could mean to you. Analyze the risk to be sure you can handle it and be on your feet again. Not preparing for failure can be catastrophic should the plans end to zero value.

Ensure you have a realistic budget when planning your investments. This should be money that you're open to losing because the best investments come with risks. You will not have failed if you can get back and start again. That's why planning and having realistic goals is crucial.

  • Understand the Purpose of Your Investment Better

Having goals can help you understand the purpose of your investment. However, they have to be goals that are specific to your investment. Otherwise, every investor wants to make money, so that won't be a good goal, as you'll lose more important benefits while focusing on profits.

Your goals will, for instance, help you differentiate between investing for income and growth. It will be easier to achieve your goals if you understand your investment's purpose. It won't be easier to know where to look if you have no clear goals.

What Makes a Good Investment Goal

Defining your investment goals, as said before, is a daunting task. For instance, it can be tricky to set goals for gold investments if you don't understand the industry well. That's why you need to speak with gold dealers and experts like Acre—after that, setting your goals will be easier.

Here's everything that makes good smart investment goals.

Your Investment Goal is Specific

As a rule of thumb, every goal you set in life needs to be specific. Being too general can make it challenging to achieve your end goals. For instance, we said earlier that making profits cannot be the primary goal for any serious investor as every Tom out there wants to make profits.

If you want to save, you need to define how much you target. Also, it would be best if you planned how to save from zero to the expected amount. Lastly, ensure you have a plan on how you'll, in the end, spend the money after reaching your target.

You Can Measure Your Investment Goal

Measuring investment goals is an easy task. This is because investments go in tandem with a currency or measurable items. For instance, you can measure your savings goals in terms of dollars. This will make it easy to know if you are making meaningful progress to reach targets.

Also, you can measure other assets for investments like gold. You can target a specific amount of gold then ask dealers like Acre to supply it. The amount you target is the goal here, and you should be able to define it while planning and not after starting your investment journey.

You Can Realistically Achieve Your Goal

It is always good to be ambitious and aim high. But then, you shouldn't set goals that you won't achieve. This means you need to look at the resources available and your abilities. That will help make it easier to have goals that you can achieve almost effortlessly.

Setting lofty goals comes with several disadvantages. For instance, you may need to put more effort than you can to achieve such a goal. Also, you may end up wasting resources that you could have used in pursuing other goals. Thus, you could end up losing every plan you have.

Your Investment Goal Is Relevant

Something else to keep in mind when setting goals is relevancy. A goal won't benefit you if it doesn't align with your values. For instance, an investment that's illegal or that you don't consider morally upright won't be a good pick for you, so there's no need to even pump money into it.

Ensure you focus on the investment you'd create time for every day. This is easy to do if you're planning to invest in an area of interest. Thus, you should start by looking at the kind of investments that attract you the most. These can also be hobbies that can generate income; go for them.   

Your Investment Goal Should Be Time-bound

Goals are of no good if you cannot define them by time. It is vital to have timelines within which you intend to achieve a specific goal. This can help ensure you do not drift away from your primary focus. It also will make it easy to calculate the amount you'll need to save after specific periods.

In short, time-bound goals bring a sense of urgency. It is easier to stay focused when you have a milestone to reach but not when feeling you have all the time in the world. Thus, you should always ensure you have strict deadlines attached to your investment goals.

How to Set Investing Goals

Setting investment goals may sound simple, but it entails a lot. Rushing through it may not help you set realistic goals. You need to invest time, be thoughtful, and draw inspiration from other investors to ensure you develop smart goals. Yes, there's no better way to do it.

It would be best to find answers to a wide range of questions while at it. For instance, ask yourself how you would end up with the investment you need. It is through weekly, monthly, or annual savings for most people. Defining this can help you know where to begin the whole process.

Next, you need to know what you'll do with the money you'll have saved. It is easy to drift from your plan if you keep this decision for when you'll have saved enough. It would help you decide how to invest the money before you have it. This will help you stay consistent with your savings.

It would help to start with a risk evaluation. Look into the risks involved, then evaluate your risk tolerance to determine if you'll be willing to absorb them. Everyone has a unique risk tolerance, so do not assume you'll absorb the same risk as those inspiring you.

Last but not least, consider alternative ways to spend the money. This is because it doesn't make sense to put your money in a risky investment when there's a less risky one. Be sure that there's no better way to invest that money and get equal or more returns.

It will be easier to set goals if you understand all these. Besides, you'll not only set goals but smart ones that will help you reach your main goal. As said earlier, time and thoughtfulness will be essential in achieving investment goals. Do not overlook them when setting goals.


Planning your investments, as seen above, isn't an easy task. You need to set smart goals to ensure you stay on track and reach your end goal in the specified time frame. This article has looked into how you can set these goals and increase the chances of your investment succeeding.

You can start implementing the tips shared above in your investment plan. We also mentioned some bits about gold if you consider it a potential investment. 

You can contact us for deeper insight into gold as an investment, especially if you're eying gold bars.


What is Sustainable Investing? | CFA Institute

How to Evaluate Risk in an Investment | Socialnomics 

What are Investment Assets? | smartcapitalmind